Projects Division

All latest Designs & Technology related to
Engineering & Fabrication under one Roof.

Projects Division

Our Projects division offers in-depth knowledge, experience, and technical expertise across multiple engineering disciplines, we apply customer's desire to design mechanical systems enabling a building or system to operate at peak efficiency.

Our commitment to offering creative solutions has earned us the confidence of our customer's in various industries. We maintain a team of professionals armed with the latest software’s to engineer, design, detail, procure and build your project that small or large, simple or complex.

Wide-ranging Project Experience

Our projects range in scope from a few thousand to several million dollars and include:

  • Single System
    Dismantling and assembling of an individual system, or a part of an entire equipment is done by our experts.    
  • Complete systems
    Complete system dismantling and assembly of new products, which might include mechanical , electrical and programming jobs, and finally commissioning the system.
  • Entire production facilities.
    Trunkey jobs which includes setting up entire production facilities, which might inclue electromechanical installations with programming of the same.

Multi-disciplinary engineering

  • Mechanical
  • Electrical
  • Civil
  • Villas.
  • Instrumentation and SCADA Programming


Opportunities increase when you help others win.
A little win for a partner is little win for you.

Aluminium Smelters & Downstream Industries

Steel Mills &
Rolling Plants

Various Chemical


Civil and

Warehousing Fabrication

Oil &